Today, a coalition of clean energy organizations, led by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), filed supportive comments on the New York Department of Public Service’s (DPS) white paper regarding the future of large commercial solar and community solar projects.
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Declaring the 2020s the Solar Energy Decade, SEIA's President & CEO Abby Hopper made a mark at the United States Energy Association's 15th Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum.
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Power Ledger and Silicon Valley Power to Track EV Low-Carbon Credits via Blockchain
Blockchain companies take aim at clean energy transaction costs
S.C. House Passes Pro-Jobs, Pro-Consumer Energy Bill; Solar Industry Urges Senate to Follow
New York’s Solar Workforce Now Nearly 10,000 Strong
With nearly 10,000 solar jobs, New York now has one of the top 5 largest solar workforces in the country, according to a new report from The Solar Foundation. In testimony submitted to the New York State Senate today, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) highlighted the near-term policies that will be critical to continuing that success and realizing the state’s energy goals.