Smart homes

Residential Solar


Solar + EV Charging

In this picture we have a Solar Smart home + an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger. This home has zero-carbon commissions being produced by the home and car combined!


Solar panels utilize "green" technology through their use of renewable energy, which assists in the reduction of your individual carbon footprint. Solar based products not only help to save money on your home's electric bill, but also provide quiet and efficient operation because they feature no moving parts. These smart products are also self-maintaining, usually requiring little to no attention at all. (1)

By adding devices such as smart thermostats, LED lighting, tankless water heaters, and many other technologies into your home, you can maximize your efficiency.

California has a policy that requires solar power on many new homes as early as 2020. Single-family dwellings, townhouses, and some low-rise condos and apartments will all have to install solar panels according to standards that were approved earlier this year. Studies show that this will help bring down the high electricity costs in the state.
